Widget documentation

There are some new widgets that I’m not familiar with. I can’t script them because I don’t know what commands and functions they use. The IDE offers a list of related commands but I don’t see that here. How would I find out relevant scripting terms?

This is something that we will include for the full release.

The idea is that documentation will be published online similar to - API Docs | LiveCode

I realize that it is maybe a bit early to integrate the apis of the new widgets into the whole documentation.

But on the other side it is complicated/impossible to use the new widgets without any hints at how they work. If you have api.lcdoc files for them would it be possible to just post those here? It would help to use the widgets from that information and would be not too much work for LC.

@Bernd We will have a discussion about this next week and see what we can do. Obviously our goal here is for users to be able to make these widgets do what they need without custom scripting. However I also realise that until we get a bit further with Actions and DataBinding that testing them to their full potential is not really possible.

One thing that would be very useful for us is to discover what you would like to do with these widgets and can’t currently do via the property inspector, this will help with our Actions Editor progress.

I will come back to you though on the API lcdoc question though shortly


What I wanted to do is to mimic a ComboBox using a Table widget. The search field worked well in narrowing the displayed lines but then I could not figure out the message to trap in the script of the table widget which would indicated the clicked line and take action upon it. Akin to a list field.

MouseUp did not work.

Regarding lc.doc files: the properties can be inferred from the properties inspector but not the messages. That is why I asked for them.

To get the native name of a property you have to choose that in preferences but that preference does not stick. Also the toolTip which would show either the english description or the actual property is unreliable in so far as to appear occasionally and then not.

I’ll try to summarize in six points what I consider essential in a software development environment:

  1. code management of textboxes and labels which in general seem ok to me
  2. dropdown component with filter or at least have a dropdown+textfield combination that allows you to do this which seems missing to me
  3. datagrid management via code which I have not yet had the opportunity to try but which I consider essential
  4. database connection for reading/writing/deleting data
  5. data binding between widget and database
  6. clear technical documentation (reference/properties/methods) that allows the programmer a profitable approach