From examining widgets as of this post, the following have data bindings (Yes - vs No , no databinding support). While many that do nto have Data Binding support make perfect sense and likely never should have data binding support, some seem like they should. For exmaple, the Table widget? And while there are in the “advanced widgets” group, the Polygrid and Polylist (current no data binding support), but adding Databinding to the table might provide an alternative to the polylist. So the question is: Can you suggest what widgets are likely to get data binding added in some future version of Preview?
Widget (Databinding support Yes/No)
Button (No)
Field (Yes)
Password field (Yes)
Label Field (No)
Dropdown (Yes)
Dropdown button (No)
Simple List (Yes)
Navigation rail (No)
Table (No)
Slider (No)
Checkbox (No)
Avatar (No)
YouTube (No)
Vimeo (No)
Videoplayer (No)
Tabs (No)
Imagelist (No)
Chips (Yes)
Ratings (No)
Browser (No)
Chart (No)
Datepicker (No)
Form Control (No)
Icon (No)
Spinner (No)
Headerbar (No)
Segmented Control (No)
Tree View (No)
Divider (No)
Navigation Bar (No)
Date Field (No)