Welcome to LiveCode Create Feedback! 👋

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LiveCode Create Feedback

A place to discuss and provide feedback for LiveCode Create

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:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

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If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in Site Feedback or contact the admins.

Hello everyone,
I’m Jose Garza, and I’m really excited to be part of the Livecode Create community! I love coding and have worked with different programming languages. Joining this group feels awesome, and I can’t wait to learn and share with all of you. Let’s have a great time coding together!


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Welcome @joseggarza :wave:

Hi everyone,
starting in the early 90s with HyperCard then MetaCard and Revolution to LiveCode I’m more a supporter than a programer. I wrote not more than two hands full of programs and as my job (orthodontist) is far away from coding I stare a the community with a little tear in my eye while I’m on the way to retire.
Good luck for LC create, the team and the community.
Kind regards,
Ernst M. Reicher

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Hi all, great to see this up and running even if still very early in development. Looks extremely promising!

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Welcome @Stam and @ernstMreicher - Great to see you both here :wave:

Greetings from Saint Louis, Missouri, USA.
Along with my daytime job, I was a part-time programmer beginning with HyperCard then Revolution then LiveCode. Now I am just a retired part-time programmer enjoying LiveCode Create.

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Hi All,

I’m Jim Lambert been an xTalk user since HyperCard days and LiveCode from its start.
Been testing LiveCode Create. Very impressed and looking forward to it evolving into an easy-to-use, full-featured programming and distribution environment.

Let’s have productive fun with LiveCode Create!


Hi @bobcole and @JimLambert - Welcome to the LiveCode Create forum :wave:

Jacque here, I’ve been using Xtalk since the HyperCard days. I’m a one-trick pony and know virtually nothing about other languages, but I love LiveCode and spend my days immersed in it. LC Create is looking great so far!

Hi everyone,

I’m Håkan and I mainly teach web design at our university here in Karlstad, Sweden. The first time I used HyperCard was on my big brothers Macintosh SE30, and kind of got stuck. The Mac though was to expensive for me at the time, so I started with programming on another great Scottish invention, namely the Sinclair ZX81, that I imported to Sweden and then needed to solder together :slight_smile:.
To make a long story short I worked as a system developer, then as a multimedia developer (when that was the buzzword) for several years before I realised that I also had a passion for teaching. I have developed software in a lot of different languages. but when I need something done, I most often fall back to LiveCode as I still haven’t found anything else that goes faster from idea to a working app. I’m really hope (and looking forward to) that LiveCode (the company) will pull this through as I think it can widen the user base (and also make my ideas come to life even quicker).

Welcome @jacque and @Hliljegren :wave: