View Tools Palette and Project Browser at the same time?

Not a bug but another UI/UX request.
I would very much like the ability to see both the tools palette and the project browser at the same time. The main reason is that I want to be able to drag 'n drop widgets, containers and shapes directly to any part of any layout without having to navigate to each individual layout canvas first in the project browser then back to the tools palette.

When working from a software spec I already know the details of all the layouts I’ll be using and the objects that will be on each of them. My workflow would be: Navigate to project browser, create all the layouts required. From the tools palette drop any containers, widgets or shapes onto each layout shown in the project browser. For example on Layout1 in the project browser I could drop a column container, then drop widgets inside it. I could then drop a row container onto layout1 and drop other widgets inside that. Without navigating further in LCC, I could drop label fields. input fields and a simple list into Layout2.

It would just speed things up for me as I currently feel like I’m going backwards and forwards a lot when I have multiple layouts.

Thanks for the suggestion. It is something I have given some thought to. I can’t guarantee that this will happen in a release anytime soon but I can promise we will spend time thinking on and discussing this one. I already have some ideas worth exploring here. I’ll update this thread if / when we have an update on this one.

Thanks for the response Stephen. I realise it may be a niche requirement. Maybe floating windows/palettes might be an idea?

I’ve thought about in the past the ability to split vertically the left panel, this would in some scenarios allow you to have something in the top section and something in the bottom section.

But yes the ability to have a floating window is another idea, and indeed this is actually already part of the plan for desktop when we get to delivering a single window experience. You will be able to “tear off” palettes to have them as their own window.

I will give more thought to all of this. Thanks for the suggestions.

I probably shouldn’t say this here, but having recently re-tried Appli, I was impressed by the extremely sensible layout. It really is well thought-out and saves space without making it feel cramped or difficult to find what you need - all while keeping the project browser in focus and for Appli the PB seems essential.

Basically the tools palette lives across the top of the screen, while the project browser lives on the left.
The tools palette obviously has limited space, but elements are grouped together in a drop-down menu to save space and it works really quite well. (The PI is on the right but card and data management live along the bottom)

Not for a minute suggesting copying the UI, but perhaps an inspiration?
The tools palette in LC currently borders on unusable because there are far too many elements to take in and some really should be grouped together both for coherence, sanity and usability :wink:

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