Too many problems to call it a bug

Where to begin?

Could not start script editor for a simple button by clicking script editor and no response to usual right click on a MacBook. Eventually found a mouse and right click did start the editor.

Entered the mouseUp action with simple script to add some text to a field. It gave an error. Unable to get back into script- I can see it but cannot edit it. Closing editor and re-opening allows me to edit script again. Try to run again and system says there was an error running the script but cannot give further information as the stack is locked. Restart completely. Same problems and now I cannot just close the editor window. Nothing working. Restart again.

Also other problems eg if there is an error in script and I try to maximise the script editor it becomes distorted/elongated and is locked.

I finally managed to see an error message that states “chunk: no such object” no matter what I try with controls. I can get the answer dialog to display a message correctly.

Etc, etc.

Tried 2 Macs (and an emulated PC briefly) and all have same/similar problems. All systems up to date and Chrome up to date. Safari has similar problems.

I am disappointed that my first try of this was so frustrating. I will admit that I have not used LiveCode for some time and I may be part of the problem. I doubt I could have tried a simpler function than pressing a button and having text appear in a field. I have copied simple one line scripts that work in the desktop application but they still do not work in Create.

I’ll come back later. I might try the Actions, but I cannot spend more time simply to get frustrated.

I must agree ere the script editor does seem more flakey than than latter Alpha builds.
I have also experienced being unable to edit text, lines of script needing to be retyped before they will work (visually the same), everything freezing up requiring starting a new session.
It is frustrating as these seem serious hurdles to even getting a simple thing done in order to test things out.

Thanks for taking the time to test out our preview release.

There are a couple of points I’d love to clarify just so we can determine some of these issues and figure out how to best address them.

  1. You could not start the script editor by clicking a simple button - Are you saying here that you wish there was a simple visual button you could have just clicked to open the script editor rather than having to right click? If this is what you are saying, I agree. It’s something we have planned.

  2. Right click on a Macbook (without a mouse) seems to be working fine for me, which MacBook was this so we can try to figure out this issue, was this in Chrome?

  3. If you could, can you give us a clear set of instructions for us to recreate your “Entered the mouseUp action with simple script to add some text to a field. It gave an error. Unable to get back into script- I can see it but cannot edit it.” issue. Did you type the script in or paste the script in? What was the script you added? Was it the field widget you were trying to add the text to?

I think we all saw that at first. The controls are all widgets so you can’t use terms like “field” or “button”. Instead try “widget” or “control”. We really need synonyms for the native controls so that cross platform functionality will work.

Thank you Steven. I will answer out of order

  1. MacBook Pro from about 2017- up to date system as far as I can tell. I have been using Chrome as recommended and it is up to date.

  2. I could select the button or field but no key-click combination worked to show the menu. I have just tried again and the result is the same. I tried to at least start the script editor using the control labeled ‘script editor’ at the bottom of the page but all that did was give me the error. I was not able to get to the script editor in any way until I found a mouse. If you cannot right click and the control labeled ‘script editor’ does not work —> frustration.

  3. I am trying to recreate what I did the other day. I have a button (b1) and a field (f1). Script was/is typed, not pasted. Script is, in a mouseUp handler for the button (b1), put “sigh” into field “f1”. I run it and get the error in the screenshot. Nothing happens when I click the ‘Script’ key in the message. Today, I can close the error message and get back to the script. The other day, I did not get the error message, but the script editor showed an error and that was when I could not edit the script. (When this occurred the other day, the script window became elongated and distorted when I tried to make it full screen). So I cannot reproduce the problem of the other day (and the script still does not work).

That’s all the detail I can give to answer your questions. Again, I have not used LiveCode for some time, but I cannot think of a more basic script. And it works in the desktop version.


Thank you. I have tried both as you suggested and neither works. I have included the error message.


Yes, it can be confusing, especially if you haven’t used LC for a while. For the widget the syntax should be:

set the text of widget “f1” to “sigh”


I’ll have to spend some time trying to catch up.

Thank you.