The secret message of the "slider" widget is found

The bug here is that the messages of the widgets are not available.
However for the “slider” widget the secret message when moving the slider is

sliderValueChanged pValue

Thanks Bernd for the secret message,

Is there a book of widget spells for LiveCode Create yet where we can learn what the secret mesages of all the widgets are?


Well, the Livecode Edition of “Secret Spells” is expected real soon now.
As I understand there will be documentation.

I extracted some more secrets for the “Simple List” and managed to sort on elements “Titel” and “Subtitle” restore sort order and switch collections. But the fun of this is limited.

This is the script of a DropDownButton that sorts the Simple List by element “Title”

on menupick pValue
   local tArray, tKeys, tSortedA, tList, tCounter, tOldKey
  ## note "content"
   put the content of widget "simple list" into tArray
   put the keys of tArray into tKeys
   sort tKeys numeric
   ## make a list of the "Title" entries as item 1 of a line and store the original key as item 2
   repeat for each line aKey in tKeys
      put tArray[aKey]["Title"] & comma & aKey & cr after tList
   end repeat
   if pValue is "ascending" then
      ## sort text ascending
      sort tList by item 1 of each
      ## sort text descending
      sort tList descending by item 1 of each
   end if
   put 0 into tCounter
   repeat for each line aLine in tList
      add 1 to tCounter
      put item -1 of aLine into tOldKey
      put tArray[tOldKey] into tSortedA[tCounter]
   end repeat
   set the content of widget "simple list" to tSortedA
end menupick

Kind regards

Hi Martin, these will be included in our documentation, coming very soon!