Stacks not Cards?

So are all LCC built apps now multiple stacks rather than a single stack with one or more cards?

I’ve just exported an LCC test app with 2 layouts to Livecode Classic and I’ve got 2 stack files?

Interestingly when I import a Livecode Classic stack to LCC I get a single stack (layout) with multiple cards nested within it. These show as ‘Cards’ with a card icon next to them.

I’ve had a look through the tool palette and can’t find a “card” widget so I can’t add any more or create a new app and add cards. Yes there’s a widget called a card, is that it? It just seems to add an object onto a layout. This feels quite alien and leads me to questions such as:

How does this impact constants or globals that are defined in the stack (layout)? Are they available to all other stacks (layouts)?

And what about hierarchy? In LiveCode Classic I would add general functions and general custom handlers used throughout my app at the stack level, then I could access them from anywhere. I’d add card specific functions and card specific custom handlers at the card level. How does this work now?

Where do I set App level constants, globals, custom functions and custom handlers now?

Please, someone tell me “oh, you just do such-and-such” to add a card and it all works the same as before.


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