Sliders and Panes (or Pains :-)

With a single “window” interface, as I try to replicate my app in LiveCode Create, I am finding I need the screen divded into a series of panes (much like the Create IDE is). No problem, I can create “panes” by Grouping related UI elements together in a bordered group. A resizeControl handler for the group can take care of UI element rearranging when the group is resized, For sliders controls to allow a user to resize the various panes, in plain old LiveCode, I have used a transparent, borderless, rectangular button with a mouseEnter and mouseLeave handler to change the cursor, an icon resempling the typical slider cursor seen in apps and a set of drag handlers or mosuedown/stilldown to move the slider and resize the applicable panes (groups).

In the current preview of Create, what is the best approach to create a slider for resizing panes (since there is no slider object currently)?

Related - Among the current SVG icons for buttons I didn’t really see a slider/divider icon (may have missed it), such as what we current use (see image). Is there an existing equivalent? If not, how do I upload my own icons?

Not directly answering your question …
In LC, I use a graphic rather than an SVG button for pane sliders. That allows me to independently control the style, length, separation, etc. of the line/lines representing the slider.

I have usd a rectangle graphic in some apps as well. I ask here in hope someone on the Create team can make a recommendation based on what messages are implimented for what objects. I could test a button widget, a button object, a graphic object, etc. for mouseEnter, mouseLeave, and so on, but it would save me some time if some one knows what will work in Create in this current Preview.

Also, in my opinion (which probably isnt worth much), LC shoudl really add a slider/divider/resize (whatever it should be called) object to Create. Something where you set a few properties to set one up, such as:
orientation {horizontal|vertical}
[if horizontal] topPane {long ID of a group} [if vertical] leftPane {long ID of a group}
[if horizontal] bottomPane {long ID of a group} [if vertical] rightPane {long ID of a group}
an optional icon
perhaps the cursor to change to when the mouse is within the rect of the object
some bounding parameters for how far right<->left or top<->bottom the resizer can move

Thanks for the post @Researchware

We are actually working on our Responsive Layout Builder. It’s still very much early days but this would make light work of creating these independent responsive grouped sections. We will share more on this as we get a bit closer.

Thanks for raising the point re these sections being slidable. It’s something we will look at whilst working on this as many modern web apps, including our own IDE has this use case.

Glad to hear that slider/dividers (I really don’t know what they are actually called in UI terms) might be part of a resposive layout update to Create. In the mean time, I’ll try copying my existing objects and scripts into Create for these as a test.