Showstopper error executing a script

This happened to me in DP-1. This is DP-3 and it’s still happening:

I try to create a very simple script, and SOMETHING makes Create throw its toys out of the pram and show this error message over and over until I force quit:

There was an error executing a script in
stack revpropertieslibrary. No more
information is available because the stack
is password protected.

I cannot do anything in Create because (a) everything being widgets is utterly weird AF, and (b) when this bug pops up, whatever hasn’t been saved is simply toast. The only way past this error is to force-quit Create.

I don’t know what causes this error, I just know it happens when I try to create a script in an object and try to run it. (Which reminds me, HOW do I ‘apply’ script changes? The UI for Create is essentially a mystery; it feels like a triumph of style over substance.)

Sorry – this seems to have made me rather grumpy. But it is SO frustrating!

We need a few more details to track this one down…

Could you let us know which widget you edited and the script you were trying to execute at the point this error was thrown? Additionally, it would be helpful to know if you were using the Web platform or the Native app (Windows/Mac).

As for everything being referred to in widgets, this is something that will be going away. I can’t give a timeline for this yet but it’s in the works. But yes, for now you need to refer to everything as “widget” in script.

You may also be interested to know that Auto saving is also in the works.

Thanks for taking the time to test our Developer Preview, if you can share the details requested above we will take a look at this one.
