Script error on starting up LC Create prevents anything further

I get this script error on starting up LC Create and entering my project and then the big circle spinner just spins endlessly, so I can’t edit the script to fix the issue or get past the spinner?

Hi @Researchware could you possibly drop the file that you are trying to import here and I’ll take a look!

I’m not importing anything. This was a [very] rough prototype for testing features of our app in Create. I have not been in Create to work on it in several weeks and just tried yesterday and got this error.

The error happens after I log in. Under “My Projects” I see my single project “HyperRESEARCH”. As soon as I click on “HyperRESEARCH” and the project starts opening, I get the error, and the endless spinning wheel of doom :slight_smile:

I suspect the “PowerButton” object I was last starting to layout has a unfinished script or a script with a syntax error, but I can’t get in to either edit the script or even just delete the button.