Script Editor font type & size in LCC

Not technically an IDE or application bug but from a UX point of view I think it needs addressing.

Please can you add the ability for us to choose the font used for the script editor? I really, really (yes, two really’s) don’t like reading or writing code in proportional fonts. It’s fine for novels and manuals but not for coding. I would like to be able to choose my own font (probably a monotype one) and also set the font size & weight. I’m not colour blind, but being able to set the script editor colour palette would be useful too for those that are. Good UX encourages use.

Is it just me?

Should we be able to set the font type, size and weight in the script editor?

  • Yes, it’s essential.
  • No. I like coding in proportional fonts
  • I don’t care
0 voters

Thanks, Al.

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I also think that the default should be monospaced, not just because that’s the norm in coding, but also because I think it’d help people coming from other IDEs to see it as a serious tool.

You can set font and size in LC preferences in the script editor pane along with lots of other things.

Yep, in LC it’s fine, but in the LCC DP versions it can’t be changed.

Yes we will be adding more customisation around the options you have outlined. You can actually see already in the settings section under Script editor there is a label for this, it just has not been implemented yet.

Typically where customisation makes sense we will be adding it. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we will let you know once we have this in place.

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