Thought I would check out buttons in script editor.
Hit the right facing arrow icon (assume it meant run the script) and an error alert popped up:
“ says
There was an error executing a script in stack revdebuggerlibrary.
No more information is available because the stack is password
clicked ok and alert disappeared and then came back.
can’t get rid of it. It is modal so nothing else available to click except it OK button.
Have to close browser wind to exit session.
relaunched, deleted old project, (it was locked ) added new one and placed a button, edited script, click “run” icon and everything worked.
Same bug on dp1 :
On a new project on LCC dp1, place a button or a field (not tested with other objects).
create a new workflow for the object. Name it whatever you want.
If you pass the mouse on the arrow of the “event” line, then you have an error message in loop (the stack name is not the same at each loop).
You need to force quit LCC.