I put this script in the stack script
on closestack
end closestack
But when I want to create a standalone, Livecode quit also !
LCC DP5 macOS 13
I put this script in the stack script
on closestack
end closestack
But when I want to create a standalone, Livecode quit also !
LCC DP5 macOS 13
Presumably you’re referring to LC Classic/10 rather than Create?
I don’t think you can create standalone in Create!
For “classic” questions, you’re better off posting in the official forum (the TOF if you will )
If you’re running this inside the IDE it can and will quite the IDE. You can guard against this with the environment
on closeStack
if the environment is "standalone application" then quit
end closeStack
PS: for code use the backtick `
On Macs, this is the key next to “Z” that also gives the tilde ~, not sure where it is on Win boxes.
For inline code surround the code with a single backtick each end: this is inline code
for example
For code blocks, such as what I posted above, use 3 back ticks on the line before and after the code block, for example:
block line 1
block one 2
I’ve used an alternative :
if the environment <> “development” then quit
But it seemed to me that with previous versions of Livecode, this problem didn’t exist.
I dunno, I’ve always had this issue, so have used the code above…