No Workspace Error

Thanks Heather

I downloaded the Mac binary
the minor annoyance of all previous projects vanishing is weird, but at this stage not a showstopper (are these not stored either in the user’s directory or in the cloud?)

I’m immediately hit by a bug:

if I try to create a new project (since all the previous ones went the way of the Dodo), and click “Blank project” I get a dialog to enter the project name, but nothing happens when I click “Create”.

When I finally give up clicking “Create” and click “Cancel” I just get an error message “Could not find workspace”

I guess it’s possible I didn’t license it correctly and it may have used my LC10 licence, but I can see no way to un-licence it to try. Even if I delete all the folders relating to this in the user directory.

and even reverting now to DP3 does not work :frowning:

It’s hard to tell exactly what has gone wrong here. Do you recall the steps you took prior to this?

Could you please try switching to classic using the button available from the My Projects page.
Once in Classic, try relicensing LiveCode using the correct license for Create. Once done, try switching back to Create to see if the problem is resolved.

Thanks Steven

No particular steps: I deleted DP3, dragged DP4 into apps folder, ran it and was met by the usual dialogs including the licence screen. I was keen to run it so clicked through (which is why I think I may have picked the wrong licence - maybe) and then was met with this error. Nothing I’ve tried since has worked, but will do as you suggest and re-licence through Classic and feed back.


Further to this - was a good idea, but no…

I switched to “classic” and re-licenced from there. On restarting Create, it asked me as usual log into my account and only showed me 1 licence - “Universal”. The v10 licence it seems does not show in LiveCode Create Classic.

Classic works just fine.
Switching back to Create, I am again unable to create any projects with the same error as above.

As it stands, I cannot get this to run even after a full uninstall using AppCleaner which locates all relevant files as much as possible.

These are the folders/files AppCleaner identifies FWIW:

I should also mention I’m running MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1 - because a number of apps (notably MS Office Apps) crash/hang on Sequoia and perhaps this is that kind of issue?

Alternatively, I wonder if there is some kind of hidden configuration file that is preventing normal function as DP3, which used to work, now no longer works either (same error) so if it’s not the OS it must be something like this…


I also forgot to mention that opening stacks with “Import from Classic” immediately generates the same error.

Unfortunately, I don’t currently have a machine running older MacOS than Sequoia, so can’t check if that is the underlying issue. I doubt Create has hidden files in locations other that what is listed in the screenshot above, but if it does please let me know and I can try deleting - but my money is probably on MacOS Sequoia now that I think of it…

As always, grateful for advice.

We’ve had a look into this and our current theory is you have accidentally denied DP4 access to your documents folder.

You can check this in Settings > Privacy & Security > Files and Folders > LiveCode Create (DP 4) - there should be a switch button here. If that is indeed the case toggling this button to allow access should fix your problem. You will probably have to restart Create once you have done this.

Let me know how this goes.


Thanks Steven
another good idea, but again, no…

This is the existing setting:

I can use the web-based version and am happy it’s finally working in Safari but I prefer to use actual apps rather than browser based for most stuff.

is Create confirmed to work normally in MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1?


Deleting the ~/Documents/LiveCode Create Native folder should fix this. However it will mean you will lose your existing projects. Sorry for the inconvenience here, it’s not 100% clear what has happened here. We are looking into possible scenarios.

Re the MacOS question, I was under the impression that you were previously able to run DP3 successfully, have you upgraded your OS between running DP3 and DP4?

Simply moving that folder to the desktop did it :wink:
Thank you!

Your advice led me to the actual answer: I noticed that some of the contents of this errant folder had been “offloaded” to the Cloud - namely the index.bin file - and had to be manually downloaded. Doing so restored all my projects when I put the folder back into ~/Documents

This is an iCloud setting I always use because I don’t have infinite space on my drive (weird how quickly a 1Tb drive fills). Since I’ve chosen to mirror my Documents and Desktop folders to the cloud in iCloud, it automatically removes rarely used files from the drive and keeps stubs in their place that have to be manually downloaded from the cloud.

I’m guessing this is a function of keeping the LiveCode Create Native folder in the user’s Documents folder instead of the ~/Library/Application Support or ~/Library/Preferences folders, where these things should really live as there is no directly user-editable content in them.

At least now I know how to fix - and perhaps if you guys move the location of this folder on MacOS it may be prevented altogether?

Thanks once again,

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