No Apply button in the Script Editor leads to actual problem

I see there’s no ‘Apply’ button or equivalent functionality in the Script Editor. Instead, it seems that scripts are applied automatically when switching to Run mode. I see how this will avoid the problems of someone forgetting to apply their changes and wondering why some behaviour hasn’t changed, but it also feels really vague and hands-off – not what I like when developing!

If I edit a script while IN the Run mode, it’s automatically applied after a second or so, whether I’m ready for that or not. Sure, major script edits while running isn’t generally a great idea, but the ability to do this is one of LiveCode’s very cool abilities. This rather gets in the way. It also caused a

In testing this, I tried a very (very!) basic script that would make the behaviour obvious: in a card script I simply said:

on idle
end idle

Then I changed that (in Run mode) to have ‘wait 50 ticks’ below ‘beep’.
Then I edited the line so there was a script error (‘wait 50 tic’). After flagging the line with the error it ALL stopped, including my ability to edit the script in either mode! This remains even if I close the Script Editor tab for the card script then open the card’s script again.

Minor update: quitting and relaunching Create and opening the stack puts things into a normal mode where the problematic script can be edited.

However, the first time I tried saving AFTER this problem occurred it failed to update the stack. I had to try setting up this script again, saving in Edit mode, then switching to Run to trigger the error and be blocked from editing the script again.

Hi Keith,

Thanks for the feedback! It has been noted.

In regards to the script editor, if you close the debugger in the script editor it should resolve it getting stuck and allow you to continue editing.