Multiple bugs with fields/layout

Hi all,

I finally though I’d check out Create and decided to replicate a solution I’ve been working on in v10.
I’m using the DP3 binary for MacOS (running Sequoia on M2 Pro MBP). The stack to work on simply has 3 text areas, sized the same, side-by-side and centered in the window. Within 3 minutes, these are my observations:

  1. No ‘text area’ control. You have to add a single line field, scroll down to input type and select multiline
  2. No way to align controls (eg align top edges, left edges etc) as was possible in LC classic
  3. There is no automatic way to set controls to the same dimensions as was possible in LC classic
  4. There is no functioning ‘select all’ - cmd-A does nothing
  5. Option-dragging to duplicate a control doesn’t work. It creates a ‘ghost’ control that is selectable if you click-drag in the window but not otherwise, you cannot do anything with it and it doesn’t show unless selected by click & drag in the window - it can only be deleted
  6. Container controls do not work as expected. If I select a ‘row’ or ‘column’ I cannot drag an existing control into it. If I drag a control from the toolbar it works, but dragging a 2nd or 3rd control often fails and generates an error which cannot be shown as the stack is locked
  7. You cannot combine row and column containers for more complex layouts
  8. Selection doesn’t always ‘take’ when trying to edit properties in a grouping control. Even with a field inside a grouping control selected it shows me that I’m editing “layout” and requires clicking repeatedly to select field
  9. Adding more than 2 fields to a row grouping produces a ‘ghost’ control that is almost invisible. On further examination it’s a field whose foreground color is nearly white so can barely be seen. Properties show black color. Needs to be changed and changed black to show
  10. No keyboard short cuts to switch between edit and run

I genuinely hope “I’m doing it wrong” because otherwise the immaturity of the IDE is very concerning.

Just some further clarifications on my points above.

The option-drag-to-duplicate issue mentioned above seems to be limited to fields.

I found an option to align top/bottom/left/right by selecting get objects and right-clicking to use the ‘align’ menu item.

I’ve not yet found an option to size one object to another object.

Spacing and can be done with the new responsive layout controls with a bit of experimentation.

I’m probably misunderstanding the ‘row’ and ‘group’ containers - they seem to all be groups and a group can be set to ‘row’ or ‘column’ from the dynamic layout.

I often have to right-click on a control and select the PI from there to ensure the PI is showing the correct control.

Most worrying I see no option for custom properties - am I missing something or is it not possible to use custom props with Create?!

That works for me. Command-option-tab.
However when you changed from run to edit mode your layout loses focus to the Properties Inspector.
Click in your layout and then you can use the short cut to go back to run again. Or use the shortcut to cycle the focus.

Hi Stam,
select multiple controls and then right-click one of the selected controls. In the popUp choose “align”. You find many options to change the layout.

Just read that you have found “align”

Having experimented with Create more (I cannot say ‘used’ as it’s not really usable just yet), I realise there is an option to set a field to ‘textArea’ as well as ‘multiline’

I’m not sure on the distinction between the two? Is it about automatic scrollbars?
I’m not sure I understand why there isn’t a scrollbar property of the field to set (or, I haven’t found one if there is) and why these two field styles exist (although I’m sure there must be a good reason).


Thanks for the report @Stam ! We have filed this as an issue and are working towards a resolution. I will update here when this issue is fixed.

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Thanks for the report! I have filed this as an issue and we are working towards a resolution. Check back here for future updates!

Thanks for the report! I have filed this as an issue and we are working towards a resolution. Check back here for future updates!

Thanks for the report! We have filed this as an issue and are working towards a resolution. Check back here for future updates!

Thanks for the report! I have filed this as an issue and we are working towards a resolution. Check back here for future updates!