I see how to use Containers to layout controls on a card/layout to adjust based on the size of the browser window and even cover phones, tabled, and desktops/laptops.
However, how do I make the initial stack ITSELF be 100% the width and height of the browser window it opens in (whether Desktop/Laptop, tablet, or phone)?
Does this need to be scripted? (vs properties or actions)
The short answer here is Create will just take care of this. It’s extremely likely that when you deploy your app to the web it will take up the full browser window. It’s not something that is in the product just now and will likely be available alongside deployment.
Thank you. That was the design guidance I was looking for. I can just create my containers for a responsive layout of controls on the initial stack and count on Create to resize on launch.
It will be nice to see/test this in the IDE at some point.