I’m really pleased to announce that we have just launched LiveCode Create DP6.
This release brings a live datastore. Previously all of your data inside collections was local, we now have a live cloud backend. You can build your app on the web and continue working with the same data on the desktop.
We have introduced the concept of Dataviews. For this I’ve filmed a video on our new docs portal to explain Dataviews in more detail. A Collection is your raw data. Dataviews allow you to define the specific fields, filters, and sorting needed for your user interface in advance. Behind the scenes, we optimize performance by partitioning data where possible - so if you need all people in a department, the data is already structured for quick retrieval. While the difference may not be noticeable with small datasets, Dataviews ensure performance remains fast as your dataset grows. This build allows you to bind to a Dataview and use built-in actions to filter and sort efficiently. Check out the Introduction to Dataviews video here - feel free to follow along step by step.
We’ve also launched our new Docs portal. This is still work in progress but a huge step forward and I can’t wait to get your feedback. We’ve added a feedback loop on the docs where if you see something wrong, you can give it a thumbs down and send us some feedback so we can make everything better. You can find the docs here. The new docs include all LiveCode API docs including all the new Create widgets, it has guides on all areas of LiveCode Create and has a selection of step by step examples which we will be growing over time. We are really proud of this step, we still have a way to go but I hope you agree it’s a big step forward.
You can get started with DP6 at https://preview.livecode.com or download the desktop version from your LiveCode.com account area.
One thing you may notice when you login to the new build is that your previous projects are no longer there. This is because we have now switched to the live datastore staging area. Your projects are not lost. For the web version you can recover them from previous.livecode.com and here is a step by step guide on how you would do that.. For the desktop builds your projects are still on your local machine and can be found in your documents folder.
We have a bunch of other fixes and features.
Tools palette improvements
- new icon sizes
- user preferences retained
Property Inspector ordering / layout has been improved.
Linked Colours have been added to some of the widgets
Over 250 merged Pull requests containing various features and bugfixes.
Delivering a live datastore with dataviews is a big milestone and we are delighted to bring this version to you today. I hope you all enjoy the new developer preview release and I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Many Thanks