How implement a combobox on card

Hello, i worked on field and label and now i’d like to create some examples on combobox (dropdown with search). Can you indicate me where i can find some information or samples for an initial approach with this component?

I do not see a combobox in the toolbar.

There are two menus

You can set their content in the “Contents” section of the Properties Inspector.

Both do not have a dropDown with search.

But I you use any of them both send a menuPick message which you can use

on menuPick pPick
   if pPick is "myCondition" then
   end if
end menuPick

I created a text field for the filter with a “on changed” function to update the dropdown options.
Now how can i mantain the option displayed while i’m writing into the text field?
I’m simulating a combobox but is very difficult

I don’t quite understand how you want to do this but if you want to populate the dropDown options you can set them by code like this:

They take a list of lines.

As an example from a button

on mouseUp
   put the weekdayNames into tWeekDays
   set the menuText of widget "myDropDown" to tWeekDays
end mouseUp

menuText works for both types of dropDowns: The DropDownButton and the DropDownField.

Thank you. This is what i did but my request is to use a field text as filter (combobox or select2 idea). So i’d like open the options’s list and mantain it opened while i write into text field that will do exactly what you suggested. Imagine i have a list of state and when i write into filter field a string my options’s list will be altered with my filter and i’d like user see this change. I have to create something similar to a bootstrap select2 that is fundamental in every web application

I tried to use one of the fields in the toolbar but I could not even get them to respond to


So I gave up due to lack of documentation of the new widgets.

If the new widgets have some sort of documentation I did not find it.

Please LC kindly provide some guidance.

I confirm what you wrote Bernd. I tried something to invoke mouseUp but have no result. I don’t know LC but i have a lot of experience in software development using other languages and think that without a documentation is very difficult use LC Create. For now I’m relying on livecode guides found online but I understand the concepts are different and difficult to apply

That’s a problem in the desktop IDE too, many (most?) widgets don’t respond to mouseUp, and each one seems to have its own way of responding to user actions. The consistency we expect is largely missing. LC could benefit from guidelines for widget developers.