Errors when editing a script/using debugger

When editing a script or using the debugger on a script I often get an Error on save

which translates to
91 Chunk: can’t find stack
77 Chunk: can’t find object
449 Object: can’t set object property
535 set: can’t set property

From then on LC Create is not saveable and I have to force quit and all changes are gone.

No specific recipe for this but it happens often and I have to save every step in order not to loose to much when it happens.
This is in Create DP2

I have noticed the same bug and I hope they solve it as soon as possible because it is of course a main problem in every situation, even for testing purpose.

Thanks @Bernd Can you confirm if you are seeing this in the desktop version, web version or both?

Also can I confirm if you have changed the stack / layout name?


I see this in the desktop version on Mac. I did not change the layout names. I have 4 layouts that have the default names. I did delete an imported layout because of the problem (and saved successfully) but it did not make any difference regarding the error.

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I had the same issue, but it happened after I deleted a project (via the start screen of Create) and created a new one with the same name.
After I deleted the whole workspace manually, then I was able to create a new one with the same name.

I have tried to narrow this down but with little success.

What I am trying to do is to inspect the state of variables via the debugger by setting red dot breakpoints.
That works to a certain extent then I am informed that “there was an error in debuggerlibrary” etc.

I then set the grevdevelopment to true and the debugger stopped at

stack “ws.goulding.script-library.mergdeploy”: execution error at line 51 (Handler: can’t find handler) near “revIDEDeployTargetsChanged”, char 1

on mergDeployDeviceConnected pUDID, pName
	put pName into sDevicesA[pUDID]
Line 51--> revIDEDeployTargetsChanged
end mergDeployDeviceConnected

It tried to set

BerndXs iPhone


At times an error occurs with this handler:

on mergDeployDeviceDisconnected pUDID
	delete variable sDevicesA[pUDID]
end mergDeployDeviceDisconnected

I just suppose that it has to do with remote debugging.

After that error occurs it periodically reoccurs about once every minute.
Maybe that is a hint.

Just a quick note:
Over the weekend I did a lot of debugging and it all went smoothly. No error on save. No intermittent error.