Create Stable Version

Hi team, when can we expect to have a Stable Version to be available?


When can I expect an answer?

The lack of answer is an answer…
I have to start a new project and it is really frustraing not to know when Create could be used.

Hi @simon.schvartzman

Sorry for the late reply, I was off on holiday for a few days last week and that’s me just back today.

It’s a tough question to answer accurately, as you’re asking when we’ll be shipping the V1 stable version of Create, and we’re currently in the developer preview phase. It wouldn’t be wise for me to give a definitive date for when we’ll hit that milestone. What I can do is give an update on our progress with Create and talk about what’s coming next. I am already in the process of writing a proper update on our progress to share with the entire community and that should appear in the next day or two. I’ll post a link to it here once it’s up.


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Thanks Steven, looking forward for your update.

Regards, Simon


@simon.schvartzman Here is the update. It’s being emailed out soon. LiveCode Create: Closing out the year with big steps forward | LiveCode

Hi Steven, many thanks for the update, very impressive!

Still I don’t have a clear idea as when the next (DP6 or Stable?) version will be announced…

In my case I’m looking for:

  • Responsiveness
  • Data Views (within the App and hopefully through a report generator running on a WEB browser)

Regards, Simon

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We expect to have a significant release early in the new year. Sorry I can’t be more specific than that. We’ve made improvement to responsive layout and a first version of dataviews will be part of that release.