Collection editing in Native is broken

I now have Native running on my Mac. I’m reimplementing my Time Card app in Native (copying code from Cloud, but rebuilding everything else).

On Cloud, the order of entries in the Collection is stable. They are in the order they were created. If I use a simple list to edit, the row works to edit (as long as no filter is applied). Editing does not change order.

On my Mac Native, editing an item seems to effect the last item in the collection even when editing a different one. I’ll need to do more testing to get a solid recipe, but code that works on cloud does not work the same on native.

I created another project just to test collections. On a single layout it seems to work fine, but as soon as data is changed in a linked field it is update - there is no “cancel”.

When a second layout is introduced, funniness ensues.
I have 2 columns in the collection. I use a simple list on the first layout to select the entry to edit. Going to the second layout and loading data is fine. I have 2 fields bound to the collection. Two buttons - “update” will push changes and navigate to layout 1, “cancel” will just navigate to layout 1.
If I edit the second field, do not exit the field after making a change, and click a button that navigates to the first layout, then the data from the second record is updated with the change that was made. I have 4 records and it doesn’t matter which one I edit, always the second gets updated.
If I click/tab out of the field, doesn’t matter if I click the update or cancel button, the data from that record is updated in the simple list.
After all of that testing, I added a new record. The behavior changed to where it is the data from the fifth record that was getting changed. I just noticed that if I don’t click into the second field, then the first field (date) data is being applied to the fifth record.