Cannot run Create from pinned taskbar icon on Windows

Windows 10, Create 1.0 (dp2)

If I right-click on the Create icon in the taskbar while Create is running and choose “pin to taskbar”, then close Create, and then attempt to start Create again by clicking on the icon now “pinned” in the taskbar, it always dies with “Initialization Error - Error while initializing development environment”.

Program starts fine when run from the Start Menu or Desktop icons created at installation.

The problem is that when you right-click on the (running) Create icon in the taskbar and choose “pin to taskbar”, the executable which is “pinned” is either “LivecodeCreate.exe” or “LivecodeClassic.exe” depending on which you are in when you pin the app. But what the desktop and start menu icons run is “LivecodeLaunch.exe”.

If you pin the app to the taskbar by right-clicking on the start menu or desktop icons and choose “pin to taskbar” then the resulting taskbar icon correctly points to “LivecodeLaunch.exe”.