Following the TODO Tutorial - needs an extra video saying what has changed in my opinion

Unless I’m missing stuff, things have changed a lot in the UI

In no particular order

  1. I don’t get anything saying my project is being saved - no “spinning circle” not even an alert box., seems like autosave MIGHT be enabled when you press newproject - is this so?
  2. I cannot see the BLUE size box at the botton left of the form as seen in steven’s video , are they a toggle?
  3. I think the idea of having the trash can and add new layout at the top right of the stack/layout was a good idea it’s now gone with no explanation - is it a preference?
  4. I Cannot move the workplace onto a second monitor (i can in classic)
  5. I’m sure i changed certain properties of a field (background color being one) and after I saved , exited and came back it was back to default
  6. In the color picker or on the property inspector there is no rese/undet/set to default option as in classic - these are simple things that shouldnt be missed if you “eat your own dogfood”

Finally I would suggest that Steven does a new video ASAP showing what has chabged since he did the original todo application so newbies don’t waste as much time as I did looking for things that have moved or been removed.- and also to highlight gotchas like the change in the setting of properties of a widget.

All in all I can see GREAT potential in the future, but the working environment shouldn’t bite us in the bum.

I apologise if Ive found bugs or undocumented features that are not - i.e I missed them , but if thats the case things are not obvious>

First rule of programming “Don’t make me think”,
Second Rule “Show me the Banana”

And just in case it’s just me … " You can’t make anything idiot proof because idiots are so ingenious"
BTW im using the destop version - could there be a mismatch on features?

.Regards Lagi

21 views and not one answer from the mothership.

I expected more interaction by LC in here - At this moment in time I feel that we are Alpha testers (not Beta testers) because there is no way I can see that the IDE experience doesn’t impede my workflow especially when things do not save 100% correctly.

But the worst oversight (people not eating their own dogfood) was that the settings in this post got mixed up.

How that gets through “Quality Assurance” i’ll never know.

Some suggestions for real testing

Steven or Ben - or anyone on the team actually “plays” with the system by writing a (new) todo, a contact database, a simple pdf reader, a converter application , a calculator, a recipe menu , a picture gallery, s simple expenses database, a simple board game, a simple hangman game - a redo of stuff in the samples).

While they are doing these they can record the screen and narrate including problems found.

They will then find the same problems that we have found and the feedback for bug fixes will be so much better - Also it will build up some tutorials which are really lacking.

Just to reiterate if its so simple to Create - why not lead from the front?

Regards Lagi

Hi Lagi

I think the differences you are seeing are potentially related to you using the desktop IDE and the filming for the To Do List was done with the Web IDE.

As things stand right now there are quite a few differences between the Web IDE and the Desktop IDE of LiveCode Create, however we are working rapidly on reducing those differences.

For example the blue snackbars that appear when your project is being saved, or the layout controls with the trash icon are not currently available in the desktop version.

I am 100% planning on filming lots more LiveCode Create videos and I do intend to refilm the Simple to Do List video as the initial video I don’t believe included Responsive Layout features. However that video will still show differences between the desktop and web versions (I will mention that in the video).

As I alluded to above we are rapidly working on the single window version of the Create desktop IDE which will bring the versions closer together in experience and will address point 4 in your initial post…

Thank you for the testing suggestions, we will take them onboard. There is quite a lot of work happening right now on all of the widgets in the current preview version of LiveCode Create. I like your idea of trying to build lots of types of apps in LiveCode Create to a. find bugs and b. create new demo videos.

As we continue to rapidly improve LiveCode Create both in features and overall user experience you can expect to find lots more videos showing you the benefits of building apps in LiveCode Create.

Thank you thank yoiu thank you

I can see a LOT of potential , but without good documentation, resources and tutorials you will lose many of the “neophytes” you are looking for because they are not masochists like us oldies.

Regards Lagi